Intership and touring!
Summer holiday is the perfect time for an internship and touring! You can't get bored with Kraków-Częstochowa Upland! That's why our new intern Annabell already visited Bledow Desert, Ogrodzieniec Castle and Ojców National Park. In... read more »
Exploring Krakow - the cultural programme
Erasmus + is not only about internships. It’s also exploring new places, culture and history. Our intern, Thao, is exploring Krakow in her free time. In her mentor’s company, she visited Koścuszko and Piłsudski mounts, she also... read more »
We are back in action!
You have no idea how happy we are about the pandemic situation calming down – we can invite interns to Krakow again! In recent days, an intern from Berlin, Thao, arrived in Krakow. Under the Erasmus + programme, she is... read more »
European Economic Congress Katowice, Poland
European Economic Congress Katowice, Poland - we couldn't miss it! read more »
Let’s start Polish-Spanish cooperation!
In the 2nd and the 3rd of March 2020 we had a pleasure to host in Krakow the representative of the Junta de Andalucía who is vice-director of the school I.E.S. San José de la Rinconada in Sevilla – Mr Eulogio Garcia Martinez. The... read more »